Pika Release Notes for 02/08/2016
Pika Release Notes for 2/8/2016 Sprint
Mobile View
The view has been improved especially on phones. The goal has been to compact information to use on smaller devices.
By default in vertical orientation the whole cover is showing.
Turning the phone horizontally, the cover will be on the left.
The description is hidden by default on phones to minimize space. To reveal the description, click the link.
Formats will be collapsed into one link.
Covers can be hidden by clicking on a checkbox next to Hide Covers. Once this function/setting is checked, the system remembers it. The setting is remembered on the device. This setting is not tied to a person’s account.
Display of MARC Records Series Information has been improved by using MARC data in addition to data from NoveList.
Series information is now showing from 800 and 830 fields of the MARC record.
This is looking at subfield v to determine the volume number.
Clicking on the series link will start a series search.
Novelist will always be the 1st series entry, if it exists.
Added in the Last facet now shows items that are On Order.
The intersection between Available At facet, and formats is now working. When selecting both the branch under Available At and a format, only records with the specified format and availability are shown.
There is a new Subject facet. This is a combination of the genre, geographic location, topic and era. This is an optional facet that can be defined under Pika Configuration, Library System or Locations. The facet is called Subjects, which is now the combined subjects.
There is a new Translations facet loaded from 041bdhj by default. The Language facet now is now loaded from the 008 and 041a fields. The translation facet is designed to identify items with alternate subtitles, alternate audio tracks, etc.
Author display and searching
The display of authors now shows the date the author was/is alive, when available. This can narrow a search to a specific author.
Quoted searching for authors has been fixed. Searching for the author’s name in quotes, will only display results matching the information in the quotes. Removing the quotes will allow a search for an author’s name either by first, or last name. A search can also be done using OR to search for the author. Example, “Harper Lee” OR “Lee Harper.”
Keyword search by author now handles additional author variants.
Fines now show additional details about the fines including date checked out, date due, and date renewed for Millennium & Sierra systems.
In Checked Out Titles, the item now displays the amount of fines accrued to date for Sierra and Millennium.
Under User Profile in the Pika Configuration is the a new feature that blocks patrons from updating their account information, if they have a maximum amount of fines. This is the Maximum Fine Amount to Allow Account Updates. It is defaulted with a $10 fine amount. This would stop people from changing their address, so you cannot find them to collect the fines. To limit the use of this feature, set the fine amount to a very large value.
Copies Information
OverDrive Items now shows the number of copies, and number of people on the waitlist to be consistent with all the other items.
Update to the copies summary has more of a separation between the shelf location and call numbers.
View all copies is showing all copies even if they showed up on the main page.
Contributor roles like illustrator or narrator are now showing. We have always shown the contributors. Now the their roles show as well. This information will also show in the Grouped Work. Clicking on the Contributor will give a listing of everything from that person.
Titles on Hold is showing hold queue position for frozen titles. This is only for Sierra and Millennium. Marmot libraries have decided not to display hold position on the holds page.
When viewing Checked Out Titles, the overdue items will show with a light red background.
New setting to hide the library hours listing that shows in the Checked Out Titles and Titles on Hold page. This is for libraries that allow their patrons to pick-up items from a branch that is not the patron’s home library. This is under Pika Configuration, Library Systems, ILS/Account and Show Library Hours Notice on Account Pages. Uncheck it to not see the library hours information on the Checked Out Titles, and Titles on Hold page.
Some searches for special characters are now working properly like DVD/Fre. Keyword and call number search is now ignoring the slash. Plus, an ampersand search is now working for a search like S & P.
New role of List Publisher. That role can create a published list. Under Pika Configuration, Library System or Locations, Searching is the Public Lists To Include dropdown with the choices to pick lists from library list publishers only, or lists from all list publishers.
eAudiobooks now show within both the EBooks and Audiobooks categories.
Generic page information for webpages that do not exist. When a patron links to a page that does not exist, that page will give the patron a link to the catalog, or the library homepage.
When viewing the record of a title that has been deleted, the status will show Withdrawn/Unavailable. It will not show in the search results. It may show if someone has it bookmarked, or there is an old reference to it on the web.
The Ebook support form has a per library system overdrive. The library can decide if they want to show the form, or have the patron redirected to a page on the library’s website.
Time to Reshelve feature will allow overriding status based on when an item is checked in. When an item is checked into Millennium or Sierra, they system will do whatever the next step is in the process like changing the status to On Shelf. In reality, the item might go on a cart, before making back on the shelf. In Pika under Indexing Information, Indexing Profiles, ILS, and Time To Reshelve (located towards the bottom of the page). The Indexing Profile Id would be ILS. The Locations could the first two letters of a library’s location followed by .asterisk. An hour amount would be entered in the Num Hours to Override. The Status can be changed to Being Shelved or In Transit. Grouped Status is a drop down menu that allows you to show a different status within search results. This works for any ILS.
There has been a change on how things are loaded from Novelist on where we are getting the ISBN. We are looking for ISBNs based off how many times they are used, and preferring the book ISBN (when possible). This should make the Novelist information more reliable. If there is an issue, click on the reload enrichment on the staff view.
Public lists are now public without having to edit them first. The setting works the first time a list is made public.
On the Checked Out page, we are overriding (for iii systems) the title for checked out items. The title is coming from the 240 uniform title, instead of the actual title.
When the user's mouse pointer is hovering over the format icons, they become a bit transparent to let people know that they are clickable.
Sorting and pagination of genealogy results is now working.
The message “checked out to ...” is removed when patrons do not have multiple accounts linked.
The Other Editions has been relabeled to Other Editions and Formats.