Minutes for 10/01/2014
Union Catalog Committee Meeting Agenda for Wed. Oct. 1, 2014
- Acquisitions users group
- Amy Shipley and Angela Smith recommend creating a user’s group to meet possibly monthly
- Tammy Poquette will be the Marmot staff person assigned to this user group
- Mailing list is [email protected] - send email to Tammy or Mary Katherine to be added/removed. Jamie & Judy (CMU) requested removal.
- Amy will send an email in about a week about setting up a meeting, etc.
- Access the Acquisitions e-list site from the Marmot wiki, under the UCC link on the Committees and taskforce page.
- Best practices to be established and documented
- Create lists and saved searches - done
- Ideas for functions that need a “best practice” document:
- Saved export
- Naming conventions (use first 2 or 3 letters of library district (not just branch name)
- Merging bibs - deduping Cataloging fields (part of cataloging standards)
- Adding vendors (acquisitions and serials)
- SkyRiver cataloging procedures
- Any additional, send to Mary Katherine
- These will be posted to the wiki; some best practices like Loading Records have documentation, but it won’t be posted to the wiki because not everyone needs access to those practices
- Cataloging Standards – what needs to be done and what is our deadline?
- Mary Katherine will work on this - to be finished by next UCC meeting
- Input needed from SkyRiver users; Mary Katherine will contact
- Deduping best practices
- Mary Katherine will investigate why SkyRiver says we need to retain the SKY number in the 001 field
- Periodical bibs with >500 checkin records
- Libraries need to be careful that they are attaching to the correct record
- Recommend that this be added to the best practices list
Meeting Date:
Wednesday, 2014, October 1
Documentation Type:
Meeting Minutes
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Union Catalog Committee