Meeting Minutes for 06/11/2019
E-Content Committee Meeting
OverDrive Default Lending Period
- Currently, the default lending period for EBooks and Audiobooks is 14 days.
- Discussion on whether to change this to 21 days.
- OverDrive reported that libraries who have changed their lending period on Audiobooks to 21 days have not reported an increase on holds or wait times.
- All the attendees at the meeting agreed to the lending period change.
- It would be great not having the extra step to change the lending period from 14 to 21 days.
- If holds do become a problem, the default lending period can be reset to 14 days.
Mobile Registration Demo - Mark Haley
- Demo Recording
- This is a four step process:
- Download the app
- Register for an account
- Choose a country, a state, and a library
- Enter your library information
- Question: Does RBdigital have to enable this for our libraries?
- Answer: This feature is available right now for anyone to use.
- Any issues email Mark Haley directly ([email protected]), and he will do some trouble shooting.
eContent Records in the ILS - Pascal
- Pascal is trying to clear up the record views for specific pages.
- Pascal now understands the quirks that come from being able to display eContent records that are in Sierra.
- For the existing eContent records in Sierra the system is setup to follow the standards in on the eContent Cataloging page.
- Using these standards is supposed to reflect how Sierra eContent records display in Pika.
- However, looking at these standards, Pascal thinks they could be revised.
- For any record in the catalog, there has to be a way to know if a record is an eContent record.
- In the standards documentation the field that helps identify an eContent record is the Non-MARC Field g.
- The “Access Type” on how a record is shared no longer needs to be in the catalog, because of Pika’s settings for libraries and locations for the records to include.
- Pascal would really like to eliminate this information from the documentation.
- The “Protection Types” is obsolete now, since the “Douglas County Model” eContent platform is no longer part of our collection.
- The Non-MARC Field g examples are part of the “Douglas County Model” and not really relevant any more.
- Bud Werner uses the Non-MARC Field g for all their subscription databases.
- For every database they have, they bought a record and put it in Sierra, and added the necessary fields to get it to display correctly in the OPAC.
- Pascal could keep on record from the vendor with a standard URL
- As long as there is some sort of partner from your authentication service to the URL, Pika can do a fetch to look for the original URL and replacement with correct URL.
- This would mean the information would no longer need to be in Sierra.
- Alysa asked about needing the item record to know that it is a Bud Werner scope.
- Pascal said that Pika could use the bib level location.
- Jo thinks this kind of entry would increase their database use, so she would like to know what the answer is going to be so that they can catalog their research databases too.
- Action Item: Pascal will talk with Lloyd about having this same discussion at the next Union Catalog Committee (UCC) meeting.
- Pascal would like to hear what the group thinks of his suggestions for removing content from the documentation.
- Pascal thinks this should be an official agenda item for any committee that has members who catalog eContent items.
- Pascal would really like to eliminate item records on eContent records.
- Homework: find out what is still being cataloged as eContent in Sierra.
- Action Item: Pascal will give an update about the outcome at the next E-Content Committee meeting about what was decided at the UCC meeting about eContent records cataloging.
Next meeting is on August 13th at 1 p.m.
- Agenda items:
- OverDrive Lucky Day Collection - Abbey Deckard
- Pascal update on the eContent cataloging in Pika