Minutes for 10/14/2014
E-Content Minutes 10/14/14
Ebsco Flipster:
- Several people reported an easy to use interface that answered a lot of the problems native to Zinio’s interface.
- George Dragich will be at CAL to answer questions. It would be great to get a complete title list.
- Drew will email Mo with OverDrive and let him know we are interested in learning more about OD’s new digital magazine service. He will be joining the November meeting.
- Zinio is up in February if we decide to go with a different vendor.
- Quarterly update on OverDrive money spent – Jimmy reports we have spent 3/4 of the money pledged with a quarter to go – perfect.
- OverDrive Reading Rooms : Leslie Prusinski – our user interface contact @ OverDrive shared.
- Caching is optional; it will be left on for now. Leslie will replace the advantage button at the bottom of the interface with a link to the reading rooms. This link will also provide access via the app. We have two skin IDs 45 and 50. It is easy to switch between the two by doctoring the URL. http://sanantonio.lib.overdrive.com/0A5091D4-B4C3-4FB2-AE7CABB08592475D/...
- Our opening collection is made up of 1,470 kid’s items and 1,011 teen items.
E-Content committee is in need of a new chairperson. Please direct questions to Jimmy.
Meeting Date:
Tuesday, 2014, October 14
Documentation Type:
Meeting Minutes
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eResource Committee