Meeting Minutes for 02/21/2023

Digital Archive Committee 
February 21, 2023 
  • New Business & Updates
    • News from the Good Marmot Folk 
    • Disclaimer Survey
  • Dark Matter
    • Progress on the sandbox/test site spin-up
    • Initial tasks for epics for parent Upgrade Project have been populated
    • Pre-migration data cleanup needs
    • Preferred email alias for working group
      • Should we just use the existing digital archive email alias or create a new more focused email group for the working group
    • Update about working group participation
      • As discussed at 01.2023 meeting, will need a semi-functional sandbox before we can discuss mapping and configuration needs
    • 03.2023 meeting should have some more information to bring to the group about progress and configuration. We can probably approach scheduling meetings and initial work for the working group at 03.2023 meeting
    • Project Description 
    • Working Group Confluence Homepage
    • Islandora Sandbox
  • Reports & Open Discussion 


  • Continue investigating disclaimers for offensive content. Observations are inconsistent--some institutions feature one, others do not. Naturally such a disclaimer cannot be used as justification or rationale for acquiring or weeding materials. The nature of history is often offensive.
  • Sandbox for Islandora 2 is still in process, but nearing availability to the committee. 
  • Islandora Workbench is the likely tool to assist in data migration. We will still need to map the metadata accordingly. 
  • Metadata cleanup is now possible and necessary. 
  • Will identify small, manageable collections for testing and quality control. 
  • Volunteers for the working group will be rallied upon the availability of a sandbox in which to play.

Action Items: 

  • Each library needs to forward test or not needed/featured collections, objects, and entities to marmot for deletion: Submit tickets as necessary via the Marmot Help Center
  • Using PIKA to do so is effective--we can also throw known errors to Pascal for further analysis and possible list generation.
  • Let Pascal know what the simplist, least complex collection each library features so that we can begin testing. Send potential candidates to [email protected]
  • Create an email alias for the working group. 
Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, 2023, February 21
Documentation Type: 
Meeting Minutes
Digital Archive Committee